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Why Mexico is the Top Nearshoring Destination for U.S. Tech Leaders

Written by Axented | Oct 11, 2024 8:20:24 PM

Why U.S. IT Leaders Should Nearshore Software Engineering to Mexico 

The global demand for software engineers continues to grow, and U.S. companies face a particularly challenging environment. High labor costs and a limited domestic talent pool have led many organizations to explore alternatives to traditional IT operations models. One popular solution is nearshoring software development to Latin America, especially Mexico. By doing so, companies can access highly skilled engineers without sacrificing cost savings, time-zone alignment, and proximity. This blog explores why nearshoring to Latin America, especially Mexico, is an attractive and strategic choice for U.S. IT leaders who want to expand their technological capabilities more efficiently. 

The Rising Demand for Software Engineers in the U.S. 

Over the past decade, the U.S. technology sector has seen an unprecedented demand for software engineers, principally fueled by rapid digital transformation. In general, most industries, from finance to healthcare to retail, have been affected due to the high competition that leads to increased salaries. According to a Deloitte report, the current median wage for a U.S. software developer has doubled, significantly increasing the cost of hiring and retaining talent (Deloitte, 2023).  

This issue results in a talent shortage in specialized fields like cloud computing and machine learning. According to Deloitte, over 80% of IT leaders discuss being unable to expand modern software engineering environments due to inadequate internal skills. The economic impact forced companies to postpone critical digital transformation projects, limiting their growth potential (Deloitte, 2023).  

Despite ongoing layoffs in some tech sectors, overall workforce expansion continues, especially in digital and IT roles. Since 2019, U.S. companies added around 875,000 new jobs in these fields, with layoffs only representing a fraction of this growth. The growing demand for technical talent and economic pressure to reduce operational costs are causing IT leaders to seek alternative solutions for software development (Deloitte, 2023). 

The Appeal of Nearshoring to Latin America 

One attractive solution to this problem is nearshoring, where companies outsource talented software developers to nearby countries with the same time zones. Latin America offers several advantages over traditional offshore locations in Asia, becoming an increasingly popular destination for U.S. companies seeking the same high-quality software engineering talent pool at a lower cost. 

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Advantages of nearshoring to Latam 

  • Time-Zone Alignment and Real-Time Collaboration: One of the most significant challenges of traditional offshore outsourcing to countries like Asia is the substantial time zone difference. Coordinating projects and meetings across different time zones can decelerate collaboration, increase project timelines, and lead to miscommunications. Nearshoring to Latin America, on the other hand, offers a distinct advantage: the same or similar time zone alignment between the U.S. and Latin American countries, particularly Mexico. For example, Mexico operates in the same time zones as many major U.S. cities, allowing real-time collaboration and eliminating the need for late or early meetings. This proximity also enables faster team feedback, as teams in the U.S. and Mexico can work on projects simultaneously. This is particularly beneficial for tasks requiring frequent adjustments, such as front-end development or machine-learning projects, where instant improvements are critical to success. By eliminating the challenges of asynchronous communication, nearshoring can lead to more efficient workflows and improved project outcomes. 
  • High-Quality and Cost-Effective Talent: Latin America is home to a rapidly growing pool of talented software engineers. Countries such as Mexico, Brazil, and Colombia invest heavily in STEM education, producing a large talent pool of IT-skilled graduates each year. Mexico alone boasts over 2.2 million software engineering professionals, with numbers growing annually as more students pursue careers in technology. Numerous engineers in Mexico are proficient in cloud-native technologies, full stack development, mobile development, and data science— highly demanded skills across the U.S. tech sector (Deloitte, 2023). One of the most compelling advantages of nearshoring to Mexico is the cost efficiency. Hiring software developers in Mexico can save U.S. companies up to 50%. According to Coders Link, the salary for a senior front-end developer in Mexico is approximately $4,108 per month, or about $49,296 annually—less than half of what a senior front-end developer in the U.S. would earn at $119,220 per year (Coders Link, 2024). Hiring tech developers in Mexico enables U.S. companies to significantly expand their development teams without compromising quality or incurring excessive costs. Mexican developers are renowned for their strong technical skills, with many having experience in multinational corporations and startups, making them appropriate for fast-paced, dynamic environments. Nearshoring to Latin America provides a cost-effective way to access this talent without sacrificing expertise or output. 
  • Cultural Compatibility and English Proficiency: Cultural and linguistic barriers can sometimes hinder productivity when working with offshore teams. Latin America has a significant cultural alignment with the U.S. in business practices, communication styles, and work ethic. This cultural affinity can lead to smoother team collaboration, aligning workflow, deadlines, and communication expectations. Another crucial factor is language proficiency. English is commonly spoken among software engineers in Mexico, with many professionals demonstrating an elevated level of fluency. This makes it easier for U.S. companies to integrate Mexican teams into their operations without facing communication barriers. Many software engineers in Mexico are experienced in working with international clients, which further smooths the onboarding process for nearshore teams. 

Why Mexico Stands Out as a Nearshoring Destination 

While several countries in Latin America offer promising opportunities for nearshoring, Mexico has emerged as one of the most attractive options for U.S. companies. Its proximity to the U.S., growing base of tech talent, cost efficiency, and favorable business environment make it an ideal choice for organizations looking to scale their software development teams.

Image by Axented

Advantages of nearshoring to Mexico 

  • Geographical Proximity and Accessibility: Mexico’s geographical proximity to the U.S. is one of its most significant advantages. The short distance between the two countries facilitates U.S. companies' establishing face-to-face relationships with their nearshore teams, which is practical for companies that prefer regular in-person meetings or need to conduct on-site visits to ensure work quality. Additionally, Mexico’s proximity ensures that teams work in the same or neighboring time zones, facilitating seamless collaboration. As mentioned earlier, this real-time communication reduces project delays and fosters a more dynamic and interactive working environment. By having nearshore teams so close to home, U.S. companies can enjoy the benefits of international outsourcing without the logistical challenges of offshore models. 
  • Growing Base of Skilled Tech Talent: Mexico boasts a robust talent pool of skilled software developers who stay current with the latest technologies. With over 2.2 million software engineers in the workforce and an increasing number of graduates from top-tier engineering and computer science programs, Mexico’s investment in education is driving growth in the tech sector. As stated by Deloitte, more than 50% of software engineers in Mexico qualify as cloud-native experts, making them especially valuable for companies that rely on modern software architects (Deloitte, 2024). Furthermore, many Mexican engineers have experience with countless programming languages, frameworks, and platforms, allowing U.S. companies to find talent that meets their specific needs. With the growing demand for skills in cloud computing, machine learning, and full-stack development, Mexico is well-positioned to continue to offer high-quality tech talent to the global market. 
  • Competitive Salaries for High-Quality Work: One of the primary reasons U.S. companies are nearshoring their software development to Mexico is the substantial cost savings. As previously mentioned, the salary for a senior front-end developer in Mexico is approximately $49,296 annually, compared to $119,220 for the same position in the U.S. This difference in compensation allows U.S. companies to hire more developers for the same budget, enabling them to scale their teams without overspending. These savings extend across a wide range of tech roles. For example, intermediate UX/UI designers in the U.S. earn between $76,341 and $98,061 per year, while their counterparts in Mexico earn around $38,916 annually. Similarly, senior web developers in the U.S. earn an average of $111,867 per year, compared to $51,888 annually in Mexico (Coders Link, 2024). By taking advantage of these lower labor costs, U.S. companies can expand their development capabilities and invest more in innovation, research, and product development. 
  • Supportive Business Environment and Trade Agreements: Mexico’s business environment is exceptionally favorable for nearshoring, especially in technology. Mexico has made considerable progress in establishing a regulatory framework that supports foreign investment and cross-border collaboration. One of the most critical aspects of this framework is the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), which provides a stable and predictable environment for trade and business between the three countries. The USMCA ensures that companies can easily establish operations in Mexico and take advantage of the country’s tech talent without facing legal burdens or regulatory hurdles. Mexico’s government has also been actively promoting the development of tech hubs and innovation centers, particularly in cities such as Guadalajara, Monterrey, and Mexico City. These cities have emerged as key players in the global tech ecosystem, providing vast opportunities for companies seeking to access Mexico’s expanding pool of tech talent. 

Key Considerations for Nearshoring to Mexico 

While nearshoring to Mexico offers many benefits, U.S. companies should consider these main factors to ensure a successful partnership. 

  • Talent Availability: Although Mexico has a large base of skilled software engineers, it is important to assess the availability of talent in specific areas of expertise. Certain niche roles, such as machine learning engineers or blockchain developers, may be more difficult to source. 
  • Cultural Integration: Integrating successfully nearshore teams into your company’s culture is essential for maintaining a cohesive workforce. Implementing regular communication practices and aligning shared goals can help close the gap between onshore and nearshore teams. 
  • Legal and Compliance Requirements: While the USMCA provides a favorable framework for cross-border collaboration, companies should ensure they are compliant with any legal and regulatory requirements, such as tax laws and employment regulations, when working with nearshore teams in Mexico. 


Mexico’s combination of skilled talent, cost efficiency, and proximity makes it the perfect choice for U.S. companies that want to expand their software development capabilities without compromising quality. The country’s growing tech workforce, real-time collaboration potential, and supportive business environment offer a compelling alternative to traditional offshore models. By nearshoring to Mexico, U.S. IT leaders can access a high-quality software engineer talent pool, reducing operational costs while maintaining strong cultural and professional alignment with their teams. This makes Mexico the ideal partner for meeting the increasing demand for tech talent and driving digital transformation faster. 


Deloitte. (2023). Scaling your global footprint: Considerations for nearshoring. 

Coders Link. (2024). Tech salaries in Mexico: How do they compare to the United States? 

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